As you can see, love bugs can be a challenge, as they need to be removed for a good view while driving, but also the love bugs can damage the paint on a vehicle if they aren’t washed away. Some years, during May and August/September, love bugs have filled the air. Some years, you may only see a few love bugs, here and there.
A few years ago love bugs were very bad throughout Louisiana and parts of East Texas, where we frequently travel in the Tom’sMahaul. Many rv parks will allow you to “bucket wash” the front of the rigs, to get bugs off. I fill water in an inexpensive hand pump sprayer (like what is used to spray weed killer on pavers, poison ivy and other growth around the yard). I would spray water all over the front of the coach, from top to bottom, and use a cotton towel, wrapped around a mat at the end of a long handle. I use that to wipe down most of the bugs. Then, I would spray water again from top to bottom on the front, and repeat the process of wiping (using a different towel). I am careful not to scrub, as the surface of the motorhome front could be scratched. I’ll repeat the process with the hand pump sprayer and towel wipe again, if needed. After that, on the windshield, I use glass cleaner (like Windex) on a big microfiber pad that is attached to an extendable pole. On the motorhome’s front cap, and the body below the windshield, I use some cotton diapers, wrapped around a big pad that, also, has an extendable pole. The product that I spray on the pad, or the surface, is Lucas Oil Slick Mist. The entire time and cleaning off love bugs on the motorhome front, is about a 45 minute job. When time (and place) permits, I detail clean the coach, and that’s when I’ll clean what few love bug bumps that were left. During love bug seasons, only the flat front of the coach, and side mirrors, are effected the most, because that is what the love bugs smash into while driving. I’ve read many solutions to the love bug challenge (some even use PAM cooking spray on a clean front), but a lot of water and wiping is what worked for me. Especially, in places that frown on the soap and spray washing of rvs in their parks. I like a clean windshield, when the time comes to roll on to the next destination.


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