A wall seam in the mid motorhome half-bathroom, started to separate. I contacted the service department at the manufacturer (Tiffin). I’m not a big fan of taking an rv to a manufacturer location for repairs, like some manufacturers invite buyers to do, as many of those places would put a lot of miles and wear & tear on the coach, and take a week or two of my time to do, so I will inquire with the manufacturer service techs, and see if I think that I can do the tasks myself, or if needed, take it a local rv service business, to have a job done. The wallboard and wallpaper issue seemed like something that I could solve myself.

I noticed in the rear motorhome full bath, that over a wallpaper seam was a tape that matched the surface and look of the wallpaper used. That seam tape was not used in a similar area of the mid half-bathroom. After emailing with a manufacturer tech, I tried some glue that was recommended to use between the wallboard seam, using a brace to push the wall board together and flush. In the parts area of the manufacturer website, I ordered the wallpaper seam tape (batten tape) that matched the bathroom wallpaper design. I paid a fair price for the length of product that I needed. The tape arrived in the mail within a few days. I applied the tape from the ceiling to the baseboard, over the seam. Not a problem. It has worked great for the past few years.

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