WOW! It’s rare that a package arrives with MY name on it. I’m excited! You dang sho ’nuff got DAT RIGHT!
When the LP/CO alarm sounds, it’s best to consider exiting the rv, and leaving the door open, or other ventilation methods.

Each time that this has happened to us, I was certain that there was not any leaking propane or carbon monoxide. During our 20+ years of rving, we’ve also found that hair spray, and other types of sprays, dog flatulence (yeah, blame it on the dog because the dog is lower and closer to the alarm, right?) can contribute to the alarm being activated. In my previous rv, the LP/CO alarm needed to be reset repeatedly, and we learned that these things “time out”. There’s a date on the back of the alarm unit, and after 60 months, replacent is needed (according to the manufactuer). Sometimes they last longer, and sometimes less. Once it’s determined that there is no gas leak of any kind, and the alarm continues to sound off frequently (and needing to be constantly reset), it can be a sign of low voltage (check each house battery and the charging system), or it’s just time to replace the alarm unit. Alarm replacement was our situation on a recent Tom’sMaHaul motorhome journey. Just so that we could get a good night’s sleep, without constantly muting or resetting the alarm unit, I turned off the house 12 volt switch, and then cut the two wires running to the alarm, followed by capping the 2 wires that provided the power. I turned on the house 12 volt switch. I opened 2 of the rooftop vents (just to feel better about it). I removed the alarm unit, and ordered another one. Once it gets delivered, I’ll install the new alarm unit. I’ve done this before. Easy job.

As far as the smoke alarm in the Tom’sMaHaul motorhome, it is powered by a 9 volt battery that gets replaced once a year.
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