Lake Bistineau, Louisiana-BONUS Photos & Videos Included
The TomsMaHauL finds time to get to Lake Bistineau 3 or 4 times a year.
Teri “The Fire Queen” @ Lake Bistineau State Park
We enjoyed Lake Bistineau State Park when we were high school sweethearts, and 40 years later, we always find time to take the Teri’s TomsMaHauL motorhome to the park. We enjoy exploring the park and The Fire Queen (Teri) usually builds a fire that can be seen from the International Space Station. We’ll, also drive the Jeep around the lake to visit lake friends at Our Place Bar & Grill & other locations on the lake. Tom has judged many chili cookoffs & rib cookoffs that are held around the lake.
Tom has a Lake Bistineau Spanish Moss beard. CAUTION: After Tom did this, Tom’s son, Justin, emphatically told Tom to NOT put the Spanish Moss close to the face, as there are mites and other bugs. Too late!
VIDEO:Lake Bistineau w/ Teri & Tom On Dry Lake Bed – After arriving, & setting up, in our Lake Bistineau rv spot, we took a stroll. We walked out on a boat dock over a dry portion of the lake bed. Every year the lake draws down for several months, in an effort to reduce (& hopefully eliminate -eventually) the spreading salvinia growth. Teri decides that it’s time for a Trippin’ w/ Tom & Teri video report.
Early morning photo of Tom with his Lake Bistineau coffee mug & Our Place Bar & Grill shirt. Trippin’ with Tom & Teri have often joined judges for a chili cookoffs at Our Place Bar & Grill on Lake Bistineau, to benefit Shriners Childrens Hospital.
eri took her evening walk. Tom managed to capture a photo of the Lake is Calling sign with Teri walking faster than the speed limit.
Tom near the beach area, enjoying the environment
The lake does a drawdown each year, when the water is drained from the lake in the ongoing fight against salvinia. You can see where the water line is on the Cypress trees.
“Up with the sun-Gone with the wind” – Trippin’ w/ Tom & Teri & the critters are singing along with “Travelin’ Man/Beautiful Loser” (Bob Seger). It’s a good Saturday morning from the location where Dorcheat Bayou flows through the Lake Bistineau lake bed. During the drawdown months at Lake Bistineau, Dorcheat Bayou can be seen on the lake bed. Loggy Bayou links Lake Bistineau with the Red River
Floyd Grigsby & the 5GK Band entertained the great crowd on the patio at Our Place Bar & Grill on Lake Bistineau. We enjoyed visiting with friends from the lake area.
Perfect weather at Our Place Bar & Grill on Lake Bistineau. We enjoyed the time visiting with friends & many of the Shriners Chili Cookoff competitors. While we were over the lake, at the end of the long boat dock, it was time for one of Teri’s video reports…
L-R in the photo: Local, legendary, artist Jay Leopard, along with Tom & the rib cook-off winner (Robert Page) at Our Place Bar & Grill on Lake Bistineau. Jay’s artwork is on many area motorcycles and helmets, other vehicles and more. More on Airbrush & Graphics by Jay HERE. Jay & Tom were among the other judges for the rib cook-off to benefit Shriners Children’s Hospital. There was a great crowd on a beautiful day.
__________________ We welcome you to check out some of the places that we enjoy exploring around the ArkLaTex region and… beyond the outer parameter. Visit our Journal page HERE __________________ You’re Trippin’ With Tom & Teri. Our location is a space in time. No matter where you go, there you are, and at the moment, We Are HERE. __________________ Tom shares some of our motorhome preparation, maintenance & projects…along with expecting the unexpected. Visit our Projects page HERE __________________ Also, visit us at TomsMaHauL on Facebook HERE __________________ We’re checking our email inbox, and checkin’ it twice. We’ll check it again, to see if you checked in. Email: