Many RVers take their rigs to Blue Beacon, or other interstate truck wash businesses, but as long as I’m healthy enough to clean and detail my rv, that’s what I’ll do. I can do a little cleaning one day, and other cleaning the next day. When I am spending a few hours or so cleaning the Tom’sMahaul, Teri says that I’m going to the gym (because that’s where I’ll get a healthy workout).
The Roof: 2 to 4 times a year, I will (carefully) do cleaning and inspection on the roof of the motorhome. I, mostly, just mop a section with mild soap, and then use a hand pump sprayer to spray water from where I mopped. Then, I use an extendable pole with a padded microfiber shag on one side, and a microfiber pad on the flip side. I have 2 of those pads, as they can get dirty , and instead of rinsing and cleaning a pad on the roof, I just put on the next pad. I start at the front and work my way to the back, and I am not stepping on a wet slippery surface. While I do that, I am looking at the lap sealant that surrounds the vents, a/c units, front and rear motorhome caps, satellite dome, antenna and everything else that has sealant around it’s edges. Our coach is in storage under cover (out of the elements), and I only have to use self-levelling lap sealant to patch up cracks, or small holes, every 4 to 6 years. On the roof, about twice a year, I do the cleaning, and the next day I go back up and spray on a light coat of Lucas Oil Slick Mist, and wipe with a microfiber pad that is attached to an extendable pole. I work from front to back doing that task. The ladder is in the back, so of course, working from front to back works best.
Sides, Back & Front: On the back, sides and front of the motorhome body, I’ll use a water hose for water supply, if that is available. Otherwise, I use the hand pump sprayer that holds a few gallons of water. I’ll refill the hand pump sprayer as many times as necessary. I soak an area (about a 10 foot section at a time) from top to bottom with the water, and wipe with a cotton towel wrapped around a big mat that is attached to an extendable pole. To me, cotton works better on paint and clear coat, than microfiber or other material (that sometimes leave swirls). I also use cotton diapers wrapped around a mat on an extendable pole, to apply and wipe a light layer of Lucas Oil Slick Mist. After all of that, the sides of the motorhome only need light dusting off (with cotton towel wrapped pad) about every 2 or 3 months. The rear of the motorhome gets top to bottom cleaning about every month and a half. The front of the coach gets cleaned between each journey.
Tires & Wheels: The tires and wheels are cleaned with Dawn, and rinsed with water, before wiping the chrome and the surrounding area. I have applied window cleaner on the chrome, but lately, I use a very light spray of Lucas Oil Slick Mist on a cloth, to wipe on the chrome, and it works very well. I do not use any tire shine products, or anything else, on the rubber tires.

I’m not pushing the products mentioned here (Slick Mist, Dawn etc.). I’ve read about many great methods and products that work well for rv cleaning.
Some other time, I’ll cover our detailed cleaning and conditioning tasks for the inside wood, flooring, bathrooms, a/c filters and other inside areas, including leather or other fabric. Some of those tasks are done less frequently than the outside of the coach.

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